Body Treatments
Vein Specialists & Medical Aesthetics in Puyallup, WA
What is CoolSculpting?
The CoolSculpting system is a medical device that can reduce the layer of fat under your skin. It is a non-invasive, controlled cooling treatment. CoolSculpting is not a treatment for obesity, but rather a body sculpting and contouring procedure. It does not replace a healthy diet, exercise or other methods of fat loss such as liposuction.
CoolSculpting can be used to treat the following areas:
Submental area (double chin)
Flanks (love handles)
Bra fat
Back fat
Fat under the buttocks
Upper arms
How it works

What are the benefits of CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting reduces the volume of body fat to the treated area. If you have bulges that you choose to treat, the size of the bulge should be diminished. The procedure is non-invasive and has little to no downtime.
When do I see results & how often should I have CoolSculpting?
You may begin to see results from CoolSculpting in as little as three (3) weeks. The most dramatic changes will be seen between one (1) and three (3) months. Your results will be final at four (4) months.
You can achieve greater results with more than one treatment to an area. You must wait one (1) month in between treatment times.
If you gain weight, the area treated may be less affected by future weight gain. The fat cells treated are permanently destroyed, making the results from CoolSculpting permanent. If you experience weight gain, your remaining fat cells are still able to enlarge. The fat cells treated are destroyed, so if you maintain a healthy, active lifestyle, you will continue to enjoy your physique!
What are the risks and complications of CoolSculpting?
The risks and complications for CoolSculpting are mostly temporary in nature. Numbness, swelling and redness can occur. It is also possible to bruise from your treatment. You can be sore and tender from a treatment as well. These symptoms should all resolve within one (1) to two (2) weeks after your treatment. Numbness can persist several weeks after treatment.
Patients with the following conditions may not be candidates for CoolSculpting.
Please consult with your provider to be certain:
Patients with cold sensitivity, such as cold urticarial, Raynaud’s disease, pernio, or Chilblians
Patients with a known sensitivity or allergy to isopropyl alcohol, propylene glycol, fructose or glycerin.
Patients with impaired circulation to the treatment area
Anyone who has nerve pain such as post herpetic neuralgia or diabetic neuropathy
Patients with impaired skin sensation
Patients with an open or infected wound
Bleeding disorders or patients on blood thinners
Patient who have recently had surgery
Patients who have a pre-existing hernia (near the treatment site)
Patients with bleeding disorders
Patients with skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis or other skin rashes to the skin on the area being treated
Patients with active implants, such as a pacemaker or defibrillator
Chronic pain patients (talk to your provider)
Patients with anxiety disorders (talk to your provider)
Rare side effects include: Paradoxial hyperplasia, late-onset pain, frostbite, vasovagal symptoms (dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, flushing, sweating, or fainting), Subcutaneous induration, hyperpigmentation, hernia.
Preparing for your CoolSculpting appointment
Eat breakfast or lunch. There is no need to skip meals!
Wear comfortable clothing for the day of treatment. You. may want to bring a change of undergarments, as the treatment can be sticky!
The treatment is simple. Please bring something to do, such as having a book to read or device to use. Bring your own headphones.
We have complimentary wifi, ask for the password while you are here!
Preparing for your CoolSculpting
Your CoolSculpting appointment may take one (1) to four (4) hours depending on the area of treatment. Please bring something to do during your time here, such as bringing a book to read, or a device to use. If you plan to use a device, please bring your own headphones. Feel free to bring snacks if you need them. We do have complimentary Wi-Fi. Please ask us for the password when you get here if you need it!
During your CoolSculpting Treatment
The CoolSculpting treatment uses controlled temperatures to target and freeze fat cells. Your skin will be marked and then cleansed prior to a gel pad being placed on the treatment area. When an applicator is applied, you will feel a vacuum-like effect or pressure as the machine takes up your tissue into the hand-piece. As your tissue is cooled, you may feeling sensations of pulling, tugging, or mild pinching as the hand piece attaches to your tissue. Once the treatment begins, you may feel intense cold, tingling, stinging and perhaps even aching and cramping. These sensations will resolve after a few minutes, as your tissue goes numb. An applicator stays in place for 35 to 45 minutes as the treatment runs its course.
After your CoolSculpting Treatment
Right after your treatment, your skin will be red and firm. The fat cells will be frozen. Your provider will perform a massage to the treated area, which breaks down the crystallized fat cells. This part of the treatment is vital to your results! The massage can be uncomfortable, especially for treatment around the rib cage. It is possible to feel nauseas or dizzy for a few minutes as your treatment area as blood flow returns and your tissue normalizes. Your tissue can remain red for several hours.
It is also possible that you may have a white appearance (blanching) to your tissue for a short time, and/or you may have bruising. You will most likely experience tingling and stinging to the area for several minutes after the treatment.
For up to two weeks, you can have a dull achiness or tenderness to the area, and possibly itchiness. Bruising may take up to two weeks to resolve should you experience it. It is also possible to be numb in the treated area for several weeks afterwards. You will most likely feel bloated and/or look swollen in the area treated. If you desire, you can take Advil for swelling or Tylenol for pain.
Most patients can return to their normal routine immediately after treatment. It is recommended to continue exercising and eating a healthy diet during this time and always.
Pre and Post Care Instructions
Coolsculpting Pre/Post Procedure Instructions
Complete written instructions will be given to you at your appointment. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office or talk to your aesthetician during your appointment!